Thursday, April 1, 2010

Who's The Fool

I woke up this morning not even realizing that it was already the month of April. It seems like March just whizzed on by.
I realized it was April Fool's Day when Martha Stewart worked a burnt hand prank on everyone.
Who knew Martha Stewart had a sense of humor.
I tried to play a prank on Mr. A by rubber banding the hose attachment at the sink.
The joke was on me, though.
For one, the rubber band wasn't on tight enough.
And second, Mr. A didn't even turn the water on full blast so water barely trickled out of the hose.
After that failed attempt of a prank, Mr. A and I took L.J to see the Easter Bunny.

I was hoping to get TLH home on Saturday and take them both to get their picture made, but her loser dad wouldn't send her home one day early.
So, it was just going to be L.J.
Or so I thought.
She wasn't able to sit on the Easter Bunny's lap by herself so I ended up in the picture as well. (I guess walking out of the house with my hair halfway brushed and makeup on today wouldn't have hurt.)

That could be why she wasn't afraid of him.
She even tried to pet him.
When that was all said and done, Mr. A took us out to eat.

Bad idea.
She was fine during appetizers, but after that, all hell broke loose.

Food went flying and there were a couple of times I thought she was going to throw herself out of the high chair.
And then she spilled water and ice all over the both of us.
Sitting in cold, wet jeans through dinner is not fun.
We ended up getting our food to go and we headed home.
I guess that was L.J's April Fool's Day joke for me.
Having to walk out of a crowded restaurant looking like I pee'd my pants.


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