Sunday, March 14, 2010

Speaking Of Treasures...

Mr. A came home late last night with presents in hand!
After much needed XOXO's,
he gave me my gift and my heart melted.
I absolutely it!

It never dawned on me that, because I have a lucky cat, a cherry blossomed pig and a "swear" pig piggy bank, I was a collector of them. You know me better than I know myself, Mr. A.

The girls didn't get their gifts until the next morning.

Everytime we go out of town without TLH, we always bring her back an "...And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt" shirt and she loves getting them. Finding one of those novelty shirts with a bear wearing it was the icing on the cake! TLH also got a kick out of L.J's bib with the same saying. The hat was a big hit as well. You did good, Mr. A! We're so happy you're home!

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